Ferry Bring Peoples From Side To Side On Mekong River Of Cambodia Hi Friends, Welcome to my blogger "168 168 Never Quit". This is my new video. if you like this video so please comment, share, subscribe. Thank you very much Rorn Entertainment Channel Mix Plants Along The Street
Given the same external pressures maybe they could evolve into a similar type of upright walking human shape. Parallel Evolution, 5 types of Crab shaped animals evolved and include the Crab.... All are unrelated but evolution found the same or similar answer independently of each other. Let’s continue talking about the various myths of human evolution. I have deliberately not dealt this myth yet because it has already been addressed by many reputed scientists. I will now say few words about, but will do so in my own way, trying not to repeat what others had already said. I’ve just attended a Science Festival in Moscow where I’ve heard the question like Why aren’t apes evolving into humans? posed – at least three times. Surprisingly, it was posed by well-educated people. the whole theory of evolution has been compressed into this single phrase. Accordingly, if we take this phrase literally, then we should be able to go to the zoo and look at monk...