Ferry Bring Peoples From Side To Side On Mekong River Of Cambodia Hi Friends, Welcome to my blogger "168 168 Never Quit". This is my new video. if you like this video so please comment, share, subscribe. Thank you very much Rorn Entertainment Channel Mix Plants Along The Street
I’m going to be letting you into my personal space; I mean you’re already in my personal space but I’m gonna draw you in just and a little bit more. One thing I will say before I show you this... I have not always been this way. I really haven’t. I became a Christian in 2018–in case you haven’t watched the video or you’re not familiar with my story–then please do watch the video straight after this video and yeah that’s just the encourage you. Please don’t feel intimidated because this has been a journey. A journey. You say with me... A journey . So I have currently got my laptop here, because I have written down some things that want to share with you. And do you know what? I’m gonna be honest with you. I wanted to try and freestyle this. I wanted to try and remember everything by memory so that you can think I’m really cool and I know everything. But guess what? That wasn’t the reality and there’s some real gems that I’ve got written down that I want to share with you and I don’t wan...